sábado, 31 de enero de 2009

This is the avatar I created on 2nd Life. It's called Charleaux Serrao.
I tried really hard NOT to make it look emo, but I couldn't make the eyebrows thicker or have the eyeblush removed... So, it has this kind of latin lover emo look.
I made the shirt by myself, the pants came with the avatar, and he is wearing two pairs of shoes that look like one so it looks cool.

lunes, 26 de enero de 2009


Hi there, my name is Carlos, I´m from Maracaibo originally. I´m 18 years old and I study engineering at URBE. I live in Maracaibo, in "Los Olivos".I love to chat, hang out with my friends, spending time with my family, and watching tv, mainly fox and sony.I hate people who smoke in front of me, irresponsable people, and to be waken up for no reason. My dream is to own a huge house with plenty of rooms, a pool, a game room, etc.; have a nice family; I would also like to be a famous engineer, and be able to retire young. About english, I know how to speak english since young so I like speaking it with friends and people I know, I hope that the english class will be interactive so that I will keep interested.

People's Blogs

Moises Manzano http://mjmc14.blogspot.com/
Susana Pascal http://susanapascal.blogspot.com/
Jose Duarte http://josesproductions.blogspot.com/
Dianella Gómez http://dianeindustrial.blogspot.com/
edison gonzalez http://edisongonzalezpaz.blogspot.com/
Hector Ferrer http://hector120190-hector.blogspot.com/
Dimas Aguilar http://dimasaguilar.blogspot.com/
Ruth Toledo http://ruthtoledo.blogspot.com/
Alexander Castellanos http://castellanos1988.blogspot.com/
Anyela Marin http://anyelamarin.blogspot.com/
Juan Fereira http://fereirabriceno.blogspot.com/
Karin C. Alvarez http://karinangels.blogspot.com/
Jose Manuel http://www.jomarocha.blogspot.com/
Aizquel Labarca http://aizquellabarca72.blogspot.com/
Sarai Gonzalez http://sarah-gonzalez.blogspot.com/
cesar Frisancho http://cesar-frisancho90.blogspot.com/
Daniel Reaño http://danielreano.blogspot.com/
Israel Ospina http://industrial-isra.blogspot.com/
Carlos Carruyo http://srmemphis.blogspot.com/
Greisy Marin http://crazy0289.blogspot.com/